Generation Computer Systems
issue on
Computing and Interaction with Grids
Submission deadline: July 1, 2003.
Topics of the Special Issue
Peer-to-Peer environments are characterized by
large scale (thousands to millions of participants), intermittent user and
resource participation, lack of trust, and lack of centralized control.
Designing mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environments proved to be a
stimulating research problem that led to remarkable results in scalability,
robustness, location, distributed storage, and system measurements. A less
addressed and more challenging problem is computing in a P2P environment:
computation is notoriously hard to distribute, yet the potential of harnessing
millions of computers is tremendous.
Grid computing focuses on distributing
computation on wide-area collections of shared resources. P2P and Grid systems
share the same focus on harnessing resources across multiple administrative
domains, but they differ in many respects: Grids address support for a variety
of (usually, scientific) applications and hence focus on providing
infrastructure to moderate-sized, homogeneous, and partially trusted
communities. In contrast, P2P systems concentrate on providing support for
intermittent participation in vertically integrated applications for
significantly larger communities of untrusted individuals.
This special issue of Future Generation
Computer Systems is dedicated to recent advances in P2P computing and the
relevant lessons from Grid computing. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
Paper Submission
We invite you to
submit a full paper of up to 15 pages describing new and original results or a
survey on a specific topic. The submitted paper must be formatted according to
the FGCS rules (Elsevier). For more information, please refer to the FGCS home
page (http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/future)
and select the Author Gateway link in the left bar menu. With your submission,
please include a cover page with the following:
· Name, affiliation, address, and
e-mail of each author
· Contact author
· A maximum of 5 keywords
A PostScript or PDF version of your paper must
be submitted electronically to one of the guest editors (see below). Hard
copies should be sent only if electronic submission is absolutely not possible.
Important Dates
July 1, 2003: Full
paper (in FGCS style) due
September 15, 2003:
Notification of acceptance
November 1, 2003:
Final version due
Expected date of
publication: January 2004.
Guest Editors
Adriana Iamnitchi Department of Computer Science The University of Chicago 1100 E. 58th Street Chicago, IL 60637 USA anda@cs.uchicago.edu |
Domenico Talia DEIS Universitą della Calabria Via P. Bucci, 41c 87036 Rende (CS) Italy talia@deis.unical.it |