Programming Languages for Parallel Processing
D. Skillicorn, D. Talia

Table of Contents
Parallelism today3
Desirable properties of parallel models6
Overview of models and languages9
Synchronization Algorithms for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors26
Orca: A Language for Parallel Programming of Distributed Systems36
How to Write Parallel Programs: A Guide to the Perplexed52
Communicating Process Architecture: Transputers and Occam92
High Performance Fortran106
Data-Parallel Programming on Multicomputers124
Visualization and Debugging in a Heterogeneous Environment132
Abstraction and Modularity Mechanisms for Concurrent Computing146
Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming in ABCL/1158
Experience with Concurrent Aggregates (CA): Implementation and Programming169
Easy-to-Use Object-Oriented Parallel Processing with Mentat179
Parallel Symbolic Computing196
A Report on the Sisal Language Project205
Para-Functional Programming223
High-Performance Parallel Graph Reduction234
PARLOG and Its Applications255
Guarded Horn Clauses268
Semantic Foundations of Concurrent Constraint Programming283
Architecture-Independent Parallel Computation306
A Methodology for the Development and the Support of Massively Parallel Programs319
Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing335
Productive Parallel Programming: The PCN Approach358
The Derivation of Compositional Programs374
Subject Index394
Author Index397
About the Authors399

© Domenico Talia, ISI-CNR, Rende, Italy.